GEDOPA Activities
In order to fulfill its mission, GEDOPA promotes and conducts projects linked to the rehabilitation from Parkinson’s disease, adopting as its main strategy an interdisciplinary approach, placing importance on innovative initiatives and exchanges of experiences, in teaching, research and extension services.
Within this interdisciplinary approach, exchanges of experiences are a key factor in creating an environment that is creative and promotes synergies in the conduct of research and support of teaching and extension projects. In order to achieve this objective, GEDOPA has adopted a practice of conducting weekly meetings of its members for the study and scientific discussion of advances in knowledge about Parkinson’s disease, and the results of its projects.
GEDOPA is currently concentrating its efforts in the following activities:
GEDOPA participates actively, both in theory and in practice, in the Neurological Physiotherapy I course of the Undergraduate Degree Course in Physiotherapy of the UFRJ School of Medicine.
Through the participation of undergraduate and post-graduate students, as well as residents, in the various activities of GEDOPA, we offer to all of these a unique opportunity to experience the treatment of Parkinson’s disease in a systematic and interdisciplinary manner, in which personal relations make a crucial difference.
GEDOPA develops clinical studies in order to validate tests and questionnaires, with the aim of improving the planning of treatments and care provided to patients with Parkinson’s disease. These studies are conducted within the Deolindo Couto Neurology Institute, at the Physiotherapy Services.
In addition to clinical studies, GEDOPA conducts basic research in order to explore aspects related to the neurobiology of physical exercise in Parkinson’s disease. This research, conducted with mice in which the disease is generated, occur as a result of the collaboration and partnership with Prof. Silvana Allodi (, Professor of the Carlos Chagas Filho Biophysics Institute/UFRJ and head of the Comparative and Developmental Neurobiology Laboratory (
GEDOPA conducts multi-professional outpatient treatment in the fields of Physiotherapy, Psychology, Neuropsychology, Speech-Language Pathology, Neurology and Nutrition, providing patients with guidance and support in terms of sessions and rehabilitation programs conducted by specialized professionals.
This inter-professional care, which is jointly headed by Prof. Clynton Correa and Prof. Vera Lúcia Santos de Britto, takes place in the fields of Social Services, Nursing, Pharmacology, Physiotherapy, Psychology, Occupational Therapy and Nutrition. The sessions, which are conducted with groups of patients, include interactive dynamics that seek rehabilitation in its broadest sense, in which patient are encouraged to co-exist in a positive way with their overall health.
This outpatient treatment is based on our belief that, with the sincere practice of generous care, we are capable of offering to this group of patients and their family members the prospect of better conditions of life while dealing with the effects of the disease. In parallel, we offer undergraduate and post-graduate students, as well as residents, the unique opportunity of experiencing the treatment of Parkinson’s disease in a systemic and interdisciplinary manner, in which interpersonal relations play a crucial role.
Treatment of patients with Parkinson’s disease, their family members and carers is conducted at the Deolindo Couto Neurological Insitute – INDC, located at Av. Venceslau Brás, 95 – Botafogo – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

GEDOPA is conducting an extension project, coordinated by Prof. Vera Lúcia Santos de Britto, entitled "Health Education in Parkinson’s Disease: Caring for patients, family members and carers", the objective of which is to promote education and health by providing guidance, by means of a model, to health care professionals (social workers, nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, speech-language therapists, neurologists, nutritionists, psychologists, occupational therapists and neuropsychologists).
This guidance is very important and useful because Parkinson’s disease, which has no cure at present, is an illness that can be controlled, and its manifestations reduced, thus improving the quality of life of patients and, consequently, reducing the burden on them and their family members. This project is conducted in partnership with the Integrated Multiprofessional Residency in Health of the HUCFF, the UFRJ Psychology Course, the UFRJ Institute of Psychology, the UFRJ School of Medicine and professionals of the INDC.
Based on the standards for multi-professional care in Parkinson’s disease, weekly meetings are conducted with patients, family members, carers, undergraduate students of the Physiotherapy Course of the UFRJ and health care professionals. These meetings are used to discuss the guidance provided by the specialists in the various fields represented. This program is currently conducted on a monthly basis, every Tuesday and on the first Thursday of each month, from 8:00 to 9:30, at the Auditorium, room 15 of the Deolindo Couto Neurological Institute – INDC, located at Av. Venceslau Brás, 95 – Botafogo – Rio de Janeiro.
This project is the result of the partnership and support of the following professionals:
- Physiotherapist Prof. PhD Clynton Lourenço Corrêa – Adjunct Professor II of the Physiotherapy Course of the UFRJ Department of Physiotherapy -
- Occupational Therapist Prof. MSc Camila Barros de Miranda Moram – Assistant Professor in the Occupational Therapy Course of the UFRJ Occupational Therapy Department -
- Doctor of Neurology Prof. MSc Luiz Felipe Rocha Vasconcellos – Doctor of Neurology at the INDC and the Hospital for Civil Servants of the State of Rio de Janeiro -
- Neuropsychologist Prof. MSc Cristina Maria Duarte Wigg – Neuropsychologist of the Institute of Psychology of the UFRJ/INDC -
- Nutritionist MSc Eliana Alfenas Nogueira Milagres – Clinical and Outpatient Nutritionist of the INDC -
- Speech-Language Pathologist MSc Simone Monteiro Palermo de Oliveira Viana – Speech-Language Pathologist of the INDC/UFRJ -
- Psychologist PhD Karla Soares Pereira Valviesse – Psychologist of the UFRJ Institute of Psychology -
- Social Worker MSc Andreiade Albuquerque Trindade – Social Worker of the HUCFF -
- Nurse Prof. PhD Maria Luiza de Oliveira Teixeira – Adjunct Professor of the UFRJ Nursing Course -
- Nurse Prof. PhD Elen Martins da Silva Castelo Branco - Adjunct Professor of the Nursing Course of the UFRJ -