Institutional & Financial Support
“The Deolindo Couto Neurology Institute (INDC), of the UFRJ, is host to the actions of GEDOPA, a multidisciplinary and inter-institutional study group dedicated to Parkinson’s disease, involving units of
the Health Sciences Center, such as the School of Medicine, the School of Physical Education an Sports, the Biophysics Institute, and of the Philosophy and Human sciences
Center, such as the Psychology Institute and the School of Social Services. Its multi-professional scope is of fundamental importance to the development of teaching
research and extension activities, which are the objective of a university education. The focus of the group’s studies is on rehabilitation in the broadest sense of the
word and on the improvement in the quality of life of patients by inserting them in specific projects. For this reason, many of these projects must be developed within a
hospital setting, with patients cared for on an outpatient basis, received from the National Health system, on a public health care and non-paying basis.
A group of distinguished professors manages the research studies of GEDOPA, all of which are evaluated by the Ethical Research Committees of the Units involved, especially the INDC.
Extension projects include undergraduates and involve activities directed to society that go beyond pure aid, including building knowledge and attitudes that will benefit patients,
their family members and carers. GEDOPA is therefore open to the ideas coming from society and the university community that may be beneficial to those with Parkinson’s disease,
which was first described 200 years ago and which should receive even greater attention because of population growth and the increasing number of cases suitable for diagnosis and
Prof. José Luiz de Sá Cavalcanti”