Did you know that Parkinson’s disease, for which no cure is yet available, can be controlled, by reducing those manifestations that can place an immense burden on patients and their families?
We at GEDOPA believe that treatment of those with Parkinson’s disease should be based on an inclusive and interdisciplinary approach that draws upon a variety of specialties in the health sector.
We also believe that only by sincerely practicing a generous inclusiveness, and its consequent virtuous cycle, can we offer this group of patients and their family-members the prospect of a better quality of life and dealing with the effects of the disease. In parallel, we offer to undergraduate and post-graduate students the unique opportunity of experiencing treatment of a disease using a systemic approach in which interpersonal relations make a big difference.

This is our belief, our motivation and our challenge!
Be a friend of GEDOPA. Your voluntary contribution can take a variety of forms, be it by providing services, donating equipment and furniture, spreading news of our activities or even by assisting patients with restricted mobility.
All you need to do is contact directly the Coordinator of the Group, Dr. Clynton Corrêa ( or the Friend of GEDOPA Marcus Fonseca (
We take this opportunity to inform that monetary donations are not accepted.